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What is Kindermusik?

Cascade School of Music utilizes the Kindermusik curriculum for ages newborn through 7 years old. Kindermusik is an internationally-acclaimed program for early childhood music. Led by our certified educators, Kindermusik's research-based programs will enhance your child's development and instill a lifelong love of music. We offer the full range of Kindermusik classes so you can engage when the time is right for your family. Bond with your child as you play, sing (no talent required!), dance, and giggle together. Your child will learn and grow through activities that stimulate brain growth, build motor skills, enhance social-emotional development, and much more.

A trained, licensed Kindermusik educator seamlessly guides the class from one activity to the next and helps you understand what your child is learning. Your educator will also show you how to continue the fun—and the learning—beyond the classroom. Each class meets once a week for 45 minutes. We ask for parent or guardian participation in our Kindermusik classes.

Our Kindermusik Educators include Amy Jacobson.

Please visit our Student Scholarship Page to learn more about our student financial aid programs.

Level 1 Class (Ages 1-2 )

Classes offer young toddlers a stimulating environment to explore their new movement and language skills with a sense of security, comfort, and confidence. As your child thrives in a music and movement-driven environment, you’ll have the opportunity to connect with other parents and caregivers and learn to use music to create and simplify routines at home.

Level 2 Class (Ages 2- 3)

Classes encourage older toddlers to initiate their own ideas and explore their creativity. Each class offers plenty of fun outlets for toddler-style energy, promoting cognitive development through singing, dancing, and instrument play. Better still, you’ll have the opportunity to connect with other parents and caregivers who are also experiencing the joys and complexities of these busy years, while learning to use music to create and simplify routines at home.

Level 3 Class (Ages 3-4 )

Classes engage preschoolers’ natural love of music and activate their imaginations. A wide range of learning opportunities boosts language skills, confidence, independence, social-emotional skills, and self-control. You are invited to join the fun for a portion of each class, sharing in the joy of music-making and learning how your child is developing, all while strengthening your relationship with your child.

Additional Information

In addition to weekly class time, our Kindermusik classes include access to online / at-home materials through the MyKindermusik online portal. The materials are an incredible resource filled with additional ideas, games, crafts, books, music, and activities. To access the materials, please visit or download the app from the Apple Store or Google Play.

Are you new to Kindermusik? We are happy to extend a complimentary preview of our classes to you. Please contact the school office at or 541-382-6866 for assistance with scheduling and connecting with our program. 

Missed a class? We allow for missed classes to be made-up during the time of a student's enrollment, contingent upon space available. To request a make-up class, please contact the school office. No refunds or credits are provided for missed classes.